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US IB English-Persepolis: What is a Graphic Novel?

The Graphic Novel: An Introduction

The Graphic Novel: An Introduction (University of Iowa)

The term 'graphic novel' (like the genre science fiction) is open to interpretation. The Oxford English Dictionary Online defines a graphic novel as a "full-length (especially science fiction or fantasy) story published as a book in comic-strip format." 

A graphic novel can best be described as being book-length in format, containing sequential art narrative. It shares many of the characteristics of prose novels, including a beginning, a middle, and an end. The story is presented through the combined use of image and word. However, images are not simply illustrations; they contain information critical to understanding elements of the story not presented verbally. Likewise the verbal components are not captions, but they convey information not included in the images.

Analyzing Elements of the Graphic Novel

How to Read a Graphic Novel

The Sequential Art of a Graphic Novel

Sequential art is an art form that uses images deployed in sequence for graphic storytelling or to convey information. Sequential art predates contemporary comics by millennia. Some of the earliest examples are cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and pre-Columbian American picture manuscripts, which were recurrent media of artistic expression.

Comics have played a huge part not only in the history of the United States, but really all of human history. For example, the earliest political cartoon in America helped communicate the colonies wish for independence in a way that incited a revolution. Another example of just how much comics have impacted our history is the Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story comic, which is a 16-page comic book about Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott published in 1957 by the Fellowship of Reconciliation (one of the oldest known interfaith peace organizations). It advocates the principles of nonviolence and provides a primer on nonviolent resistance. 

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What is a graphic Novel by Jessica Abel


Comic or Graphic Novel?

Comic Strip Comic Book Graphic Novel
Single idea (often but not always a joke) Serialized story Bound narrative with story arc
Story unfolds across multiple panels (typically 3-5) Story unfolds across multiple pages in panels or strips Multiple pages
Often serialized, appearing in newspaper and magazines Often multiple artists and writers for one series Combination of single page illustrations and multiple panels
Often the product of a studio (i.e., Marvel or DC) Illustrations and textual components work together to reveal the story

But What about Cartoons?

A cartoon is a simple 2 dimensional drawing in which the features of the subject are exaggerated in a humorous or satirical way. Typically it appears as a single illustration. Cartoons also refer to a movie that uses animation techniques to photograph drawings rather than real objects.

Major Types of Graphic Novels

  • Fiction
  • Personal Narrative or Memoir
  • Nonfiction
  • Manga ("Manga" is the Japanese word for comic but in the US is used to describe Japanese style comics. Manga is read from top to bottom and right to left in the Japanese reading pattern).
  • Superhero Stories
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