What do Taoists believe?
Taoists believe that that they should live in harmony with the Tao or Way. If they do this they will merge with the Tao, free their soul, and become one of the Immortals. In the beginning Taoists believed there were no gods or goddesses only the Tao but over time people began worshiping Lao Tze and other important Taoist teachers. They also began worshiping forces of nature such as the sun, moon, stars and tides.
What is the code of behavior for Taoists?
Taoists believe that good actions will mean a better life for their soul so Taoists follow rules and guides for living. They are not allowed to tell lies, steal, commit adultery, commit murder or drink alcohol. They also have a list of good deeds to further guide they way they live. They are encouraged to obey their elders, love their parents, be tolerant, help others act, stay in excellent physical and mental shape, practice self control of mind and body, and act without thinking of themselves, in other words act selflessly.
What does T'ai Chi Ch'uan have to do with Taoism?
T'ai Chi is a set of very controlled, slow-moving exercises that discipline the body and the mind. It is both a form of physical exercise and a kind of meditation. It was invented by a Taoist. Millions of people today, especially Chinese, still practice T'ai Chi.
What does the Yin/Yang Tao symbol stand for?
It represents the harmonious interaction of the two opposing forces in the Universe, male or yang and female or yin.
Source: https://www.uri.org/kids/world religion/taoism