Gallica is the digital library product from the National Library of France.
Login information is available on your teacher's Google Classroom site.
History Reference Center (Ebsco)
Designed for academic research, this database features full text for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books from leading history publishers.
American History Online
More than 500 Years of Political, Military, Social, and Cultural History-subject entries, biographies, primary sources, images and videos, maps and charts, and timelines
Modern World History Online
Covers the full scope of world history from the mid-15th century to the present. Thousands of fully hyperlinked subject entries, biographies, images and videos, maps and charts, primary sources, and timeline entries.
Country Reports
Cultural, historical, statistical country information
Oxford Research Premium
Over 2 million digitized entries across Oxford’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias; Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas.
EBSCO Ultra Online
A comprehensive collection of full-text reference resources including ERIC, Newspaper Source, and TOPICsearch.
JSTOR is a database of core scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
MAS Ultra Electronic Periodicals (Ebsco)
MAS Ultra provides full text for tens of thousands of magazines, biographies and primary source documents, hundreds of reference books (including the Columbia Encyclopedia and the CIA World Fact Book), an Image Collection containing photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full-text back files (back to 1975) for key magazines.
This company provides current market figures and forecasts for the most important consumer goods within a total of more than 200 markets. All key figures are internationally comparable and are based on extensive analyses of data from national and international statistical offices, associations, company reports and the trade press.
Username: See Ms. Keating
Password: See Ms. Keating
Finding Primary Sources in the popular literature of the day: You may be able to find articles, speeches, and personal accounts that qualify as primary sources in the magazines, newspapers and popular literature of the day.
Digitized Historical Parliamentary Papers This page produced by the UK Parliament is a directory to published Parliamentary material which as been digitized and made available on the Internet by various organisations.
Early English Books Online 1475-1700 Early English Books Online (EEBO) will contain over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661). "Searchable fields include Author, Title, Printer, Publication date, Type of illustration, and Library of Congress subject heading." Records are linked to the corresponding page images downloadable in PDF.
Eighteenth Century collections Online Eighteenth Century Collections Online provides access to digital images of nearly 150,000 items including books, broadsides, Bibles, tract books and sermons and printed ephemera and includes works by many well-known and lesser-known authors published between 1701 and 1800. Includes every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom.
Euopeana (from the European Union) "Europeana offers a journey through time, across borders, and into new ideas of what our culture is. More than that, it will connect people to their history..."
Internet Library of Early Journals a joint project by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford, conducted under the auspices of the eLib (Electronic Libraries) Programme. Contains 20 year consecutive runs of 6 British journals, 3 from the 18th Century and 3 from the 19th Century.
World Digital Library The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual
EURO Docs a Directory of primary documents in Western European history.
The UNESCO Archives Portal gives access to websites of archival institutions around the world. Visitors to the UNESCO Archives Portal can browse through pre-established categories or search for specific words.