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US World History: Age of Absolutism in Europe

ASM History Databases 1500AD+

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History Reference Center (Ebsco)
Designed for academic research, this database features full text for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books from leading history publishers.

Modern World History Online
Covers the full scope of world history from the mid-15th century to the present. Thousands of fully hyperlinked subject entries, biographies, images and videos, maps and charts, primary sources, and timeline entries.

Oxford Research Premium
Over 2 million digitized entries across Oxford’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias; Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas.

EBSCO Ultra Online
A comprehensive collection of full-text reference resources including ERIC, Newspaper Source, and TOPICsearch.

MAS Ultra Electronic Periodicals (Ebsco)
MAS Ultra provides full text for tens of thousands of magazines, biographies and primary source documents, hundreds of reference books (including the Columbia Encyclopedia and the CIA World Fact Book), an Image Collection containing photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full-text back files (back to 1975) for key magazines.


This company provides current market figures and forecasts for the most important consumer goods within a total of more than 200 markets. All key figures are internationally comparable and are based on extensive analyses of data from national and international statistical offices, associations, company reports and the trade press.
Username: See Ms. Keating
Password: See Ms. Keating


Suggested Web Sites

Eurodocs - Brigham Young University – Contains historical documents from Western Europe.

The Enlightenment - Washington State University – Offers a good introduction to the Enlightenment and provides informative notes and links to relevant sites.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook - Fordham University – A collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use. Some topics include: Absolutism, Enlightenment and the French Revolution. 

The Age of Absolutism  

BBC Historic Figures

British Monarchy - Official Website

Chateau de Versailles  

Directory of Absolute Monarchs  


Internet Modern History Sourcebook 

List of French Monarchs

Monarchs of Britain

American School of Madrid │ Calle America 3 │ Pozuelo de Alarcon │ 28224 Madrid