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MS Science-Biomes and Ecosystems: Desert


Deserts make up the hottest biome, but can also get cold temperatures in winter. Such temperature swings make this an extreme environment, where many animals have to burrow underground to find more stable temperatures in order to survive. Plants and animals here must be able to withstand long periods without water.

Desert Animals Adaptations

The desert habitat is home to a variety of animals that have adapted to survive in harsh, dry conditions. Some of the most iconic desert animals have obvious physical characteristics that have enabled them to adapt to their environment.

Camels are one of the most noteworthy of the desert dwellers. The large humps on camels' backs are key to their survival. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back while the dromedary camel has only one. Both types of camel store fat in these humps that can be broken down over time. During long journeys the camel uses the stored fat for energy and water and can go for long periods of time without other sustenance. Their wide, thick-soled feet enable them to walk on the hot sand. Distinctive thick eyebrows and long eyelashes protect their eyes from sand and the harsh rays of the sun.

Other iconic desert animals include the coyoteroadrunner and jackrabbit. Made popular by the Warner Bros. Looney Toons series, these animals became symbols of the Southwest.

Coyotes are a predator of both jackrabbits and roadrunners, however, they are unlikely to catch the quick roadrunner. Coyotes will eat just about anything and are known for being able to quickly adapt their diet to the available resources in their environment.

The legendary roadrunner is quick on its feet and is a predator to the venomous rattlesnake. Its long tail helps it to stop and to turn at high speeds, which can get up to 17 – 20 MPH. The roadrunner is a carnivore and absorbs water from its prey. The roadrunner has quick reflexes, making this desert bird an excellent hunter, which is key to its survival.

The long ears of the jackrabbit are a physical adaptation needed to live in the hot, dry climates. Large, vascular ears enable the jackrabbit to cool down its body temperature and to deflect heat.
Read more:

Deserts by GeoDiode

Desert Critter Cam

Animals That Live in the Desert

Desert animals, also known as Xerocoles, are the mammals which are adapted to living in the desert. These animals have to overcome various challenges including excessive heat and lack of water to thrive in the desert. These animals concentrate excretions while avoiding evaporations to conserve water. Most of these animals are either crepuscular or nocturnal. Mammalian desert animals tend to sweat more their non-Xerocoles counterparts. Click this link ( for information on any of the following popular desert animals:

  • Sand Cat
  • Oryx
  • Cream-Colored Courser
  • Grant's Gazelle
  • Desert Lark
  • Arctic Weasel
  • Jerboa
  • Dik-Dik
  • Sandgrouse
  • Addax Antelope
  • Desert Rat
  • Emperor Penguin
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