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American School of Madrid
ASM: Health and Wellness
Digital Well-being
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ASM: Health and Wellness: Digital Well-being
Teacher and student resources that promotes both student and staff wellbeing and health at the American School of Madrid
Student Health and Wellness
Staff Health and Wellness
National Wellness Institute Resources & Tools
K-5 Resources
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Grades K-5 Emotional & Mental Health
Grades K-5 Nutrition & Physical Activity
Grades K-5 Personal Health & Wellness
Grades K-5 Digital Wellbeing
Eating Disorders
6-8 Resources
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Grades 6-8 Emotional & Mental Health
Grades 6-8 Personal Health & Wellness
Grades 6-8 Nutrition & Physical Activity
Grades 6-8 Tobacco & Alcohol Prevention
Grades 6-8 Always Changing & Growing Up
Grads 6-8 Digital Well-being
Eating Disorders
9-12 Resources
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Grades 9-12 Emotional & Mental Health
Grades 9-12 Sexual Health
Grades 9-12 Personal Health & Wellness
Grades 9-12 Nutrition & Physical Activity
Grades 9-12 Tobacco & Alcohol Prevention
Grades 9-12 Digital Wellbeing
Eating Disorders
Parent Resources
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Emotional & Mental Health
Sexual Health
Personal Health & Wellness
Nutritional & Physical Activity
Tobacco & Alcohol Prevention
Digital Well-being
Eating Disorders
Tobacco & Alcohol Prevention
Mindfulness >>
American School of Madrid │ Calle America 3 │ Pozuelo de Alarcon │ 28224 Madrid